Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Darling Pepper Your Second Year Has Been Amazing....

First of all Pepper, you rare so much fun!  You have a terrific sense of humor, you have a well developed goofy side, you know what you want and you are determined to get it, you love music, you love gorgeous girly outfits, girly shoes and finally finally finally you enjoy bows at 21 months.

You really started talking in a big way at 17 months.  You were picking up words quickly and showing a lot more understanding of what everyone was saying to you.  Around 18 and 1/2 months you started saying 3 word sentences, like "Wrigley want outside".  Some of your first words were Rudy (no d) Ru-eeh, Daddy (same thing, no e), Mimi, PopPop, Tree (no r), Flower (Flowah).

Then around 19 months you were on fire verbally!  I think you know more words than I do and finally finally finally you started saying Mommy! Most often it was in reference to yourself, you adore girl you.  If we ask you what your name is you say Mommy.  But you also know I am Mommy too, so that works out ok.

In the last week or so (21 and 1/2 months) you are really knowing your name and will same your name when you see a picture of yourself.  You call and have called Reif "Ree Ree" for the past several months.  I love it and so does he (now...it took awhile to grow on him).  The only problem is I know call Reif "Ree Ree" a lot and it has lead to me occasionally calling you "Pee Pee" since your name starts with a P.  Not a good nickname I know.  I am working on curbing that fast!

Today you are talking all the time as you stand on the counter and look at me eye to eye.  You tell me you have to call Daddy on the phone, you tell me you need a treat from your Halloween basket and you told me today for the first time you need a HUG.  You said the word and opened your arms to me while standing on the counter and it was the cutest thing ever.  I love you so much Pepper Bedford.  You are the most adorable, charming, entertaining and sweet girl I've ever known!

Love, Mommy

p.s. you are just starting to learn colors and shapes.  you are learning green, pink and purple:-)

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